Tract Infections
Respiratory Tract Infections (RTIs), including the common cold, Influenza, and COVID-19, have a significant impact on the American healthcare system as they cause hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths every virus season1. The identification of the specific causative agent of an RTI presents considerable challenges due to the overlapping symptoms among different infections.
Lusis offers highly sensitive qPCR-based research assays designed for the rapid and precise identification of common pathogens responsible for respiratory tract infections.
1“About Respiratory Illnesses,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Tract Infections
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are the second most common type of infection in the United States and are responsible for more than eight million doctor visits each year2. UTIs are typically diagnosed based on symptoms and urine tests, and confirmed through culture-based methods, which can take more than 24 hours to yield results.
Lusis offers highly sensitive qPCR-based research assays designed for the rapid and precise identification of common pathogens responsible for urinary tract infections.
2 ”What doctors wish patients knew about UTI prevention,” American Medical Association,

Sexually Transmitted Infections
More than one million curable Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are acquired every day, worldwide3. STIs can have serious consequences beyond the immediate impact of the infection itself, including infertility, increased risk of HIV acquisition, and cancer.
Lusis offers highly sensitive qPCR-based research assays designed for the rapid and precise identification of HPV subtypes, and common pathogens responsible for STIs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea.
3 ”Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs),” World Health Organization,

Gastrointestinal Infections
Gastrointestinal (GI) infections, particularly those causing diarrhea, lead to significant morbidity and mortality globally. These infections can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Moreover, the effectiveness of treatments is compromised by the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance among these pathogens.
Lusis offers highly sensitive qPCR-based research assays for rapid identification of common pathogens causing GI infections.

Chronic wounds impact the quality of life of nearly 2.5% of the total population in the United States, and the management of wounds has a significant economic impact on health care4.
Lusis offers highly sensitive qPCR-based research assays for rapid identification of common pathogens causing wound infections.
4 ”Human Wound and Its Burden: Updated 2020 Compendium of Estimates,” C.K. Sen., Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2023 Dec;12(12):657-670

Antimicrobial Resistance
Each year, the U.S. experiences over 2.8 million infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, leading to more than 35,000 deaths.5 Antimicrobial resistance has significant impacts on human health and the environment.
Lusis offers highly sensitive qPCR-based research assays for rapid identification of common antimicrobial resistance targets for infectious disease applications, such as urinary tract and wound infections.
5 ”2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats Report,” Centers for Disease Control,

Bloodborne Pathogens
The bloodborne pathogens of primary concern are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Bloodborne pathogens significantly impact public health due to their potential to cause severe and chronic diseases.
Lusis offers highly sensitive qPCR-based research assays for rapid identification and qualifications of common bloodborne pathogens.

Lusis manual and pre-plated reagents use magnetic bead-based technology for nucleic acid extraction. These reagents are compatible with a wide range of sample types, including nasopharyngeal, anterior nares swabs, whole blood, urine, and stool.
The resulting high-purity DNA and RNA are suitable for standard molecular biology applications including quantitative PCR (qPCR) for pathogen detection.

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